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The Covenants

Yahweh has related to people through the use of covenants.

"As for me, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your offspring after you, (Genesis 9:9)

The word in Hebrew, ברית, comes from the word, ברה, meaning to eat or consume. Thus, many have postulated that "covenant" has in mind a cutting of something, or an apportioning (as one would do when eating).

In Greek, the word comes from διαθηκη. That word comes from one meaning to arrange or dispose of by will. In modern terms, it would even be similar to a nation's constitution, which guides their development.

Through these agreements, apportionings, or wills, both parties (God and the people) have responsibilities, benefits and consequences relating to actions taken or not taken.

In studying the different covenants, especially the one in which God deals with people today, we can learn more about Him and ourselves—what to expect from Him and what to expect from ourselves. Through seeing the previous covenants we can also learn from the mistakes of others.

It is through a covenant with Yahweh that we can experience all the good that we desire—life, joy, peace and everything else that is good.

The Covenants

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Keywords: יהוה, Yahweh, Yahueh, Yahuweh, Yahuah, YHWH, YHVH, IHVH, JHVH, JHWH, Jehovah, Yehovah, Yehowah, Tetragrammaton, אהיה אשׁר אהיה, εγω ειμι ο ων, I AM, I EXIST, I WAS, I WILL BE, I CAUSE TO BECOME, I BECOME, Hayah, Ehyeh, Ehyah, Ego Eimi, O On, AHYH, `HYH, Father, Abba, Avi, πατηρ, Patera, πατερ, πατερα, Patros, πατρος, God, θεος, θεου, Theos, Divine, Divinity, Deity, אלהים, Elohim, אל, El, אלוה, Eloah, Lord, Master, Adonai, Adon, Kyrios, κυριος, κυριου, יהושׁע ,יהושׁוע, Yahushua, ישוע, Yehoshua, Y`hoshua, Y'hoshua, Yahshua, Yeshua, Y`shua, Y'shua, Yeshu, Y'shu, Jesus, ιησουν, ιησουσ, ιησου, Christ, χριστοσ, χριστου, Anointed One, Messiah, Mashiach, Moshiach, Son, υιος, Holy Spirit, רוח, Ruach, הקדש, HaKodesh, πνευμα, αγιος, Spirit of God, Bible, Tanakh, Tanach, Word of God, Hebrew, Greek, discipleship, learning, spirituality, Christian, Christianity, religion, real experiences, wonders, miracles, signs, Truth, Full Gospel, full-gospel, Good News, Good Message, charismatic, non-denominational, pentecostal, full-gospel, meaning of life, prophecy, prophetic, endtimes, end-times, end times, end-time, last days, J. Solomon Kostelnik,