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Find Your True Passion

You may feel as though nothing in life really makes you feel "alive." Or, if there is something, that it's only fleeting, lasting a few brief moments, only to be sought again.

There is Something that will create a true and lasting passion inside you—one that will never fade depending on life's circumstances. This passion will drive you to become better, to treat yourself and others well, and will even erase the fear of death.

This Passion is none other than God—Yahweh. As you read this site, open your heart to what He has written to be shared with all people.

He is waiting for you to return to Him, to find that which will make you feel "alive" again!

35For whoever wants to save his life will lose it; and whoever will lose his life for my sake and the sake of the Good Message will save it. 36For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit his life? 37For what will a man give in exchange for his life? (Mark 8:35-37)

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Glory to Yahweh for all work done on this site!

Scripture Quotes: World English Bible Translation.
Site designed and written by J. Solomon Kostelnik. Please do not distribute without credit.
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Keywords: יהוה, Yahweh, Yahueh, Yahuweh, Yahuah, YHWH, YHVH, IHVH, JHVH, JHWH, Jehovah, Yehovah, Yehowah, Tetragrammaton, אהיה אשׁר אהיה, εγω ειμι ο ων, I AM, I EXIST, I WAS, I WILL BE, I CAUSE TO BECOME, I BECOME, Hayah, Ehyeh, Ehyah, Ego Eimi, O On, AHYH, `HYH, Father, Abba, Avi, πατηρ, Patera, πατερ, πατερα, Patros, πατρος, God, θεος, θεου, Theos, Divine, Divinity, Deity, אלהים, Elohim, אל, El, אלוה, Eloah, Lord, Master, Adonai, Adon, Kyrios, κυριος, κυριου, יהושׁע ,יהושׁוע, Yahushua, ישוע, Yehoshua, Y`hoshua, Y'hoshua, Yahshua, Yeshua, Y`shua, Y'shua, Yeshu, Y'shu, Jesus, ιησουν, ιησουσ, ιησου, Christ, χριστοσ, χριστου, Anointed One, Messiah, Mashiach, Moshiach, Son, υιος, Holy Spirit, רוח, Ruach, הקדש, HaKodesh, πνευμα, αγιος, Spirit of God, Bible, Tanakh, Tanach, Word of God, Hebrew, Greek, discipleship, learning, spirituality, Christian, Christianity, religion, real experiences, wonders, miracles, signs, Truth, Full Gospel, full-gospel, Good News, Good Message, charismatic, non-denominational, pentecostal, full-gospel, meaning of life, prophecy, prophetic, endtimes, end-times, end times, end-time, last days, J. Solomon Kostelnik