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[Power & Authority]:
[Spiritual Warfare]:
The Name of Yahweh
Written on February 1st, 2005 - 8:37PM
Last Updated: March 5th, 2005 - 2:51AM

The Name of Yahweh is a powerful weapon against the enemy of our souls.

I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them through your name which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are. (John 17:11)

Our Savior and Lord, Jesus, directly asked His and our Father to guard us through His Name, which He had given to Jesus. Jesus was leaving the world, but we would remain here. Christ knew that we would need the protection we had been provided through the physical presence of Himself; and it would be through the Name of His Father, Yahweh, that this protection would be accomplished.

The power of God's Name is such a fundamental thing that even God Himself uses the Name against His enemies. Because there is no greater power or authority than Yahweh, His memorial and appellation is that representation used to effect His authority in creation.

Yahweh said to Satan, "Yahweh rebuke you, Satan! Yes, Yahweh who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Isn't this a burning stick plucked out of the fire?" (Zechariah 3:2)

When one understands the meaning and relevance of God's Name, Yahweh, it becomes clear why it is so powerful against Satan.

Because God alone is the One with the power of existence, He alone has complete control over all that exists. His Name is that symbol of Who and What He is. When He grants His people to act in this Name, He grants them His power and authority.

Asa cried to Yahweh his God, and said, Yahweh, there is none besides you to help, between the mighty and him who has no strength: help us, Yahweh our God; for we rely on you, and in your name are we come against this multitude. Yahweh, you are our God; don't let man prevail against you. (2 Chronicles 14:11)

Through you, will we push down our adversaries. Through your name, will we tread them under who rise up against us. (Psalms 44:5)

Because the Name of Yahweh belongs to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—both individually and together as the one Elohim—this Name represents the full authority of the Deity before those to whom it is brought.

Speaking the Name is not the same as having been granted the ability to act and speak in the Name by God Himself. The false prophets of times past learned this fact when they confronted the true people of God who spoke in Yahweh's Name (Numbers 24:1-13).

Thus, one must begin by entering a relationship with Him, before one can hope to act in His Name.

Warring in His Name

Belivers in the Most High do indeed war! They are given weapons of war and commandment to battle against the enemy (Ephesians 6:10-12). Unlike those of other religions which have a similar mindset, but war in the flesh against other human beings, the true God commands His people, under the Covenant of His Son, to war against the spiritual beings that have rebelled against Him.

The true war is spiritual and cannot be seen by the eyes—it is a millenia-old war between Satan and his angels, and Yahweh and His angels (Ephesians 6:12).

Thus, the Name of Yahweh is our primary authority to come before the rulers of darkness. We who have died with Christ and been raised again with Him in the new life of the Spirit, we who have been filled to overflowing with His Holy Spirit, have been deputized by the Lord to dethrone the wicked spirits of the heavenlies. Our badge of authority is the Name of Yahweh.

So to war in His Name is to live in His Name—to have been born again through His living Word, Jesus. We then, through His Spirit, carry out our orders through the authority of His Name.

Last Accessed: February 8th, 2025 - 10:33PM
Times Read: 3468
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The Good Message

As you read this site, you will hopefully come to know Yahweh more fully.

But all of this continuing knowledge is useless unless and until you come into union with Him. I use the word union because it is truly a marriage. It is that deep connection we all seek, for which we most often look in other people. However, the truth is that our hearts will only be fulfilled when we enter that union in fullness with the One Who made us.

This is the grace of God, that He has not stayed distant for us only to worship as Creator. But He has come unto us, even become one of us—in His Son, Christ Jesus—in order to share an intimate union with us. He desires such closeness that it truly will envelope our entire life, transforming us into something new and wonderful.

You may have already entered this union with Him and only seek to know Him better through reading here. But if you have not, as you do read, let this Gospel sink into your heart as you read it now.

God loves you, and has cast your sins into the sea. He has sent His only Son as the Savior of the world—that includes you.

That Son, Jesus Christ, was born as a man through a virgin who had given her life to Yahweh; He lived without sin, reflected the glory of His Father, God, in all His words and deeds, and was persecuted even unto death because of it.

His death upon a cross was the powerful explosion that separated you from your life of death. It remains for you, now, to enter into that death with Him. As you die to the one you are now, a person separated from God from your many sins, you will be born anew, with a nature predisposed to live rightly. This gift is free to you, with nothing you can do to earn it. It is the mercy of God to offer it to you, as He loves you so much! All you must do is receive it by trusting Him to have delivered you. Simply place your life in His hands and embrace the freedom that came through that death on the cross.

The Gospel is that Jesus did not remain dead, but rose again on the third day after His crucifixion! Death could not hold Him, as He was without sin. And so death will not be able to hold you, as you identify with Him fully through your trust in Him. Let go of yourself and confess Him as Lord of your life. The power of His death and resurrection will work in you all that your Creator has destined for you. You will truly enter a new life and experience that intimate union you have been seeking all of your life.

So ponder these words as you read here of this great God—Yahweh—and all that He has revealed to His creation. Let His Spirit testify to your heart that these words are true, that God is Love, and that He sent His Son so that you might receive the life that is unbound by time and space. As you feel that witness in your heart, simply believe and receive what He is offering to you, even now, and begin your new life as a child of God.

Please write to me and let me know when you take this step, as I will be your brother in Christ—we will be one in Him!

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